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Unleashing the Power Within: How to Explore Your Strengths and Maximize Your Potential

How the brain is so resilient

In previous blogs, we discussed the importance of living through your strengths. That we all have our strengths and when we live in our strengths, we prosper. When we know our strengths, we can / should intentionally look for opportunities that leverage our strengths, so that our strengths get even better. When we live and work in those things that we do well, we get things done and are happy while doing it. 

There is a difference between talent and strength.

A talent is the potential for strength. A talent becomes a strength after it is developed, which means that you need to consciously explore and focus on building your skill and experience in that area. For example, if an organization were to send an employee who has a great talent for building relationships, the organization will walk away with more connections, which both reinforces the behavior and builds greater strength. By seeking out opportunities to build upon your skills, you will make your strengths more pronounced. 

Here are the top four ways to explore and capitalize on strengths:

  1. Look for opportunities that highlight your strengths, so that you can become better at what you do. Imagine working in a role that truly celebrates you and those things that you are good at. That every day you get to wake up and work in both a comfortable environment (knowing, not guessing) and in a job where you leave knowing that you did good, and you enjoyed the work along the way. 

  2. Make a list / take an assessment (StrengthsFinder 2.0) to identify your strengths and then line that up with hobbies, projects, and work assignments that require those strengths and will make those gifts even stronger through the experience. 

  3. Solicit support.  – Announce the strengths that you have and ask others to support you to help further develop.  You will become an expert in that field of strength. The more that people see you as an expert, the more you will be the “resident” expert. 

  4. Build brain strength – We have natural talents. Strong neural connections will grow stronger with use. It enhances our neuro pathways and makes it easy to deliver in our strengths.

When I want to grow stronger, I play a game. I reward myself with points when I am using my strengths and when I put myself in situations where these strengths can be leveraged. It is an objective way to measure my progress against my goals instead of feeling like I need to compare myself with others.  I get excited when I can look at my scoresheet and see the choices that I’ve made to put me in the area where I excel. 

Let's talk about your strengths.

Call today to schedule a free consultation with the Chief Learning Officer of the Training Edge, Barbara Ann Sharon. or 610.454.1557

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