Come explore one of our favorite programs here at TrainEdge and the Feature Program for this month - StrengthsFinder.
StrengthsFinder® is Gallup’s online assessment of your five most powerful strength themes. The Internet-based StrengthsFinder® Profile is the product of a long-term extensive research and application effort to identify the most prevalent human strengths. The program introduces 34 dominant "themes" with thousands of possible combinations.
This program reveals how to translate your strengths into personal and career success. This workshop incorporates lecture, self-assessments, group exercises, role-plays, and coaching in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Participants walk away from the session with practical tools that can be immediately applied to their individual work situations, as well as a vision of the powerful productivity possible in a team that recognizes and leverages all team members’ strengths.
To find out more download our course description and contact us to schedule a conversation with Barbara Ann Sharon, Chief Learning Officer at or 610.454.1557.